Our Values
We have reviewed and revised our Fernlea School Values and developed a new logo to better represent our school and our community. The new logos were developed in 2016 by members of our school community. Our values underpin all that we do at Fernlea.
They are:
At Fernlea School we show heart.
We provide an environment where differences are valued and mutual respect is built through positive relationships.
Learners with heart are able to work and show empathy with a range of people, regardless of backgrounds, cultures, beliefs and abilities.
By showing heart learners value themselves, others and their environment.
At Fernlea School we think.
We provide opportunities for learners to think for themselves and to practise the skills of effective thinking.
Thinkers are encouraged to ask questions and to use a variety of tools to explore and solve problems they may encounter.
Thinking in different ways allows learners to achieve their potential, both in the present and the future.
At Fernlea School we connect.
We provide an environment where we build collaboration and team work.
Connecting is about communicating effectively, being able to express themselves confidently, coherently and purposefully and make links in their learning.
This enables them to contribute positively to their world, now and in the future.
Can do Attitude/Tae
At Fernlea School we have can do attitude.
We provide an environment that inspires learners to achieve their full potential.
Learners with a can do attitude are seen as motivated and enthusiastic, aware that perseverance will help them achieve personal excellence in all learning situations.
Learners with a can do attitude are seen as innovators, aware that difficulties and failures are all part of the learning process.
Learners with a can do attitude have confidence in themselves and self-belief in what they can achieve – personal excellence