Fernlea School Curriculum
At Fernlea School we work hard to deliver a curriculum that meets the needs and interests of our students. Our Fernlea School curriculum incorporates our school values and focuses on creating independent engaged learners who strive for personal excellence.
We have an inquiry approach to learning where students develop the knowledge and the skills to access information from a variety of sources.
Mathematics and English form the basis of our curriculum and we work hard to teach these using real-life contexts.
Fernlea School Curriculum
Promoting Positive Behaviour
The Fernlea School community works together in a respectful way to create and maintain a safe and supportive environment that reflect our values and promotes teaching and learning.
If a student does not follow one of the school behaviour expectations, they may be placed on ‘STEP’. The child will be asked the following questions:
1. What were you thinking when you……?
2. How does the other person feel about your actions?
3. What are you going to do to put this right?
4. What are you going to do to make sure this does not happen again?
They are asked to complete a behaviour form to take home and discuss with their parents/ caregivers. Our processes are based on restorative practices where the focus is on accountability for the behaviours and learning from mistakes.
School Behaviour Expectations
Treat others with respect
Treat property with respect
Put rubbish in the bin
Tell the truth
Show kindness
Look out for others
Return belongings to the correct place
If you make a mistake, own up.
Take responsibility for your actions
Use scooters or skate boards in the correct place
Be sun smart and wear your hat during terms one and four.
Stay within school grounds
Stay sitting while eating
Communicate appropriately
Listen to others
Can do attitude
Try your best
Kapa Haka
All students take part in a Kapa Haka programme with Whaea Louana on Fridays. This programme introduces students to te ao Maori (the world of Maori) through waiata, Haka and dance.